Saw few small children flying colourful kites from their roof top from my office parking place. They looked completely engrossed and engaged.
However, the first glimpse that arrested my attention was that their space was limited and squeezed or contracted to confined roof top from the free space that we used to get when children.
All free space has been replaced by concrete jungle. Even the country areas are being transformed to cemented buildings and houses!
What made me happy was that they were looking so happy, satisfied and contended within the boundary of confined space.
By the way, the matter and the concern is not if their happiness is confined or open.
Their activity took me to the past and that reminded me of a promise that I made to one of my friends.
I had promised him that I would make a kite for him but that promise remained and I know I will never be making any kite for my him.
He is no more alive !!